Sunday, January 25, 2009

to laugh is to live!

ok so i would like to preface this with the fact that this is by no means a serious post....but the previous post from a couple days ago is and i am learning a lot through that experience so far this semester...

To the funny part, as a couple of you know, over the break while i was sick in bed ... meredith (shout out!!!) and I started a facebook convo that made me roll in bed and almost die im sure...we were going through a progression of videos on youtube of single ladies..

anyways today i was sitting at sweets and i randomly met several girls from sky ranch that we shared laughter in some videos....i think they were "fat boy on a roller coaster", "grape lady" , "scarlet takes a tumble (best version)" just to name a few

which led me to randomly finding this i must admit it starts out a little slow due to the fact you have to start to actually get the video so watch it all...this is funny for two main reasons...,1 it makes fun of these types of preachers (benni hin) and 2 well especially around 2:25 ish time. but really watch it all or its probly not funny.

shameless i know but the mixture of coffee at sweets, tired and bored of studying, and a little medication really did this in for me and i think i started to cry a little bit. tell me if you thought it was completely stupid or somewhat funny or tear drop hillarious!

Austin (dont watch verion 2 or 3) Parsons

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Do you ever have one of those moments where you are truly INSPIRED?

Get this...I have a professor for my Research Methods class in Communications, that has a spark to his life. Some people could know nothing about his life, and still see that he enjoys and lives life to the fullest. But when you do find out about his life you sit in awe. My professor's mother was diagnosed with cancer last april, and she passed away in june. 1 month later to the day, he was diagnosed with cancer. Same story, different outcome...he just overcame cancer! he beat it, and although i dont know him that well, I thank the Lord for such a miracle.

Personally, I am in the middle of a rough time with my aunt and cancer, its been slowly killing her, and the doctors are pretty sure she hasnt got much time left. I see how much strength cancer drains from you, and also see the amount of faith one must have to fight it.

Most people that know me, know that I am NOT Afraid to die...seriously, its not a morbid thing its just death doesnt scare me one bit, i actually kinda look forward to it in a weird way ( ask me bout it if your confused) but there is really only one thing im truly afraid of...that is cancer, i dont think that i would want to try and fight it...and i hate the idea of a slow death. NOT DYING, but dying slowly.

All in all, in a time where i have been feeling a little sorry for myself with my recent surgery and recovery, i see a man who has endured so much more. Praise the Lord.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Surgery and Drugs

let me start out by saying that ive picked up a few random sayings and have no idea where they have come from, and they go after a day. I have used "shut up" when someone says something cool or unbelievable, ive used "lets be real" when explaining life to mark, and there are some mannerisms too that i have picked up me out on them when i get pretty sure they are lame.
Remember the time I am getting my tonsels taken out on tuesday? oh yea well thats happening! its gunna suck cause ill be out for a while, but lets look on the bright side, i get morphine, anesthetics, and some synthetic liquid morphine stuff for after surgery, along with some hydrocodone i DRUG PARTAY! oh the best part is ive already told my mom i want strawberry whataburger shakes for days!
44 days at home is getting a little old....actually a little old is a HUGE understatement. Dont get me wrong, i love my family, but the lack of activities creates a more than normal bored life...and i think my family sees me as a bum!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Bucket List / Opening Statements of '09

Well ill start out by saying that opening the new year with 8 of your best friends, approx. 25,000 x 5 or 6 chickens, a hillarious man (mary lou's dad) along with the ever so gracious mother, and a handful of roman candles and sparklers is probly the best start to a year ever! As Nathan stated already, for those of you who follow him already, the best quote ever....on the way to find the chicken farm, mary lou is giving me directions and states , " alright its about three pastures down on the left." seriously most people never get to use pastures as directions.
SOOO...I GOT A STORY FOR YOU AGS so if you check out my facebook, you will see that an elderly lady (friends ex gfs grandma) tried to call me out ON MY WALL!!! to drinking beer...i find this funny since she has never really encouraged me spiritually, spoken truth into my life, but still feels compelled to try and call me out, when in fact i was drinking root beer at a CHURCH cajun cookoff. I think i am taking all old church people off my facebook friends, not that i am hiding anything but i think i have surrounded myself with people that can do that for me.....WOW ... did i just basically say that i trust yall? interesting...
im excited about this year, the new outlook i have on life, and my renewed energy that i feel i had lost this past semester.
Bucket List '09:
-do a triathlon
-eat a steak from rosenthals on west campus
-make several fires and enjoy conversations around fires
-make funnier posts than this one
-have a couple of my friends get engaged and remind me that i am single
-speaking of... it would be nice if the woman of my dreams would enlighten me who she is
-take hip hop lessons
-replace ben stuart with myself as the breakaway speaker
-find ways to serve people....not really sure all the ways i mean this buy but i enjoy it
-visit kaiser in TN
-pull a really good prank
-win sand vball with the cyclones! SHOUT OUT!!!! ps steph...los pollos locos
-do more random adventurous things