Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Closing Statements - Year in Review '08

Life is made up of many different periods and phases...I hope that the end of 2008 also ends a particular phase of my life, or at least puts it on hold. Let's be vague and schizophrenic for a moment... This year sucked and was really good!
1) some relationships had trials, and some flourished to another level.
2) I became sucluded a lot this semester, which gave me the opportunity to do several things like get a 4.0, self reflect on what is most important in life, which led me to a better walk with God this semester. (not by any means trying to make that a super christian statement ps...definately NOT a super christian! haha
3) We had some hard times in the family this year with illnesses and deaths, but my family has gotten much closer to eachother.
4) My passion for missions grew (there is not a bad side to this)

All in all, it probly doesn't sound too bad even though that is only a few examples, but the Lord will never give us more than we can handle, but the vagueness of this post also doesn't describe that it really was a difficult semester, but much needed lessons learned! Adios 2008 and Im ready to have an exciting 2009!

TONIGHT IM GONNA PARTAY AT A CHICKEN FARM BABAY! seriously...who says alcohol makes new years better, chickens do though!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Sorry, an error has occurred.

This afternoon i realised how much of a creature of habit I am...when all i want to do is check a website that never really changes, this message popped up when I was trying to connect to the site, "Sorry, an error has occurred." Some of you will be able to appreciate how ridiculous actually is! The fact that genuine anger overcame me the FIFTH time i tried to sign on today, is PATHETIC!
Anyways, soon the world will go back to its normal cycle, and millions of people will be on facebook, wasting thier lives away. CAN'T WAIT!!! see you on there soon...

Monday, December 15, 2008

Three stirs clockwise, two stirs back, ....., Delicious!

Hello or shall i say howdy, for i am redass (hey if G.W. Bush can say it so can i) ,

Anyways I have come to a very eye opening realization. PG tips = Happiness in my life! Mark I know that is a hard equation for you, so let me explain. While sitting on the floor the other night drinking a cup of PG tip tea (three stirs clockwise, two stirs back, 1 3/4 sugar, milk...delicious!) i realised that everytime i had enjoyed a cup of PG tip tea....I had a genuinely enjoyable time. When i say an enjoyable time i do not merely suggest that it was a regular feeling, i mean that they are memories that i treasure in college. For example, 1st and 3rd annual tea and sushi, and a hilarious evening at the glade house on the floor of stephs room.
Ok all of this to pose a question......Was it that i added PG tips to a good time, or that the PG tips made my time better? For IF IT WAS the latter of the two, then shouldn't I add them to every experience possible?
Here comes the adding PG tips to every experience, do the experiences become normal hence placing me back in the situation i am in now (contemplating that something actually can make a day better)
Let me know what you think, also PLEASE enjoy some PG tips soon...maybe with me??? make it a date! Here is the link to the site, which you should definately at least visit to watch a hilarious monkey talk about the tea!